Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Day two was a success!  Yes I believe I have mastered the art of wholesome, un-processed, raw, the way it use to taste eating.  I can't describe how much better I feel already, this time I am not cutting out a whole food group or getting too much of one..nope I am feeding on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans.

My skin is clearing up, my energy levels are nice and high, my digestive tract is running smoothly and I have already noticed my clothes feeling looser.  Who would have thought that if you supply the right fuel for your body it would actually run the way God meant it too...

...Which leads me to discuss the whole reason behind doing anything of importance when it comes to your body, you, yes YOU are a temple, you were meant to run efficiently with no ailments, no sickness, no extra-flab hanging over your jeans or acne covering you beautiful face, you were created in an image that was perfect so in return you should try your hardest to maintain that image and that means taking care of your health so it can take care of you, that also means saying no to yourself when you crave that double-chocolate cupcake or when you want a mountain-dew to go with your lunch, all these things are toxic, they are not even recognizable to your body.

Did you know that the same can of pop you throw down your throat is the same thing that police officers use to eat away the blood off of the road after a tragic car accident, or how about that nice juicy stack of beef your about to enjoy, did you know that if you take that same pop you were about to have to coincide with that stack of beef and soak your raw beef in it over night you will wake up to a disgusting dish full of worms and pesticides that you were about to consume...I know you are probably thinking "yeah right" but my mother-in-law actually did this little test and it proved to be sickening.

I am not telling you to never have a burger or eat a piece of cake, but you should try to get the healthiest and most nutritional versions of these foods.  I am taking that verse in the bible where is says "...your body is a temple..." and running with it, I want to be the best possible version of myself that I can and that starts with the things I consume.  It is something that most of us have the luxury of controlling so why don't we?   I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow!

Warm Regards,

Raw Burritos

3-4 Romaine Lettuce Leafs
Juice of one Lime
1 TBSP of Apple Cider Vinegar
Dash of Sea Salt
Dash of Pepper
1/4 cup of Dried Organic, No Sugar-Added Cherries
1 Avocado
1/2 cup of Mixed, Fresh Cooked Beans
1/4 cup of Bean Sprouts
1/2 of and onion, Diced
1/2 cup of Carrots, Diced
1 small Tomato, Diced

mix lime, vinegar, seasonings, cherries, avocado, beans and tomatos in a bowl till combined, cook bean sprouts and onions in a pan till soft with olive oil, combine, then place the "burrito mixture on lettuce leafs and roll up, Enjoy :D

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