Monday, April 18, 2011

Relax Jack

Okay so I had a little break with this whole unprocessed food thang that I am doing, I went to Flordia for a few days and decided that I rarely take vacations and that I really wanted to just eat what I wanted, so ya know what.....I did, and let me just tell you something, I wish I hadn't.

First of all I am very swollen, yes thats right swollen, I mean I don't know if it was the sunburn I received or the fact that every meal was at a restaurant and chock full of sodium or maybe it was being in and out of high altitude about eight times in 2 days but I am feeling not so good about letting myself breathe for a weekend because it is so not something that I am use to at this time in my life.... and when I finally decide to do it it's like I don't know how to handle it and I tend to either completely let myself go or do it absolutely wrong.

And you may be asking "How can you screw up something like letting yourself just relax?"...And my answer to that is who the hell knows except that I find myself over-thinking relaxation.... I mean c'mon, what is wrong with me...the only thing I can think of is that I want to make the most of the time I have to relax, I want to maximize every moment, and in doing that I totally kill any chance of relaxing with an agenda and that makes it work....again.

SO what is the best solution for making sure that you don't do this, that you eat healthy all the time not just when your in go-mode but that it actually becomes a way of life, or that you make sure you MAKE the time to enjoy just being you for at least twenty minutes a day so that when you actually do get a chance for an extended moment of relaxation your don't totally squander them because it seems so foreign to you, this is the seceret.....YOU MUST FIND BALANCE.

You must get to a place in your life where you work but don't work too much, where you strive but don't stretch, where you give but don't lose yourself at the same time. There are a million different reasons why we shouldn't put ourselves first for a change, but how about the one reason that we should...because we are worth it, because we deserve to feel like a woman of worth, because there is no book that says you have to be everything to everybody else and nothing to yourself, there is no reason why you shouldn't give yourself the time you need to actually be yourself.

I hope that you can find the time every single day to become a little more of who you were meant to be and less of what everyone else expects you to be. I bid you all a farewell till tommorrow!

Warm Regards,

Homemade Wheat Torillas

2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup of coconut oil or olive oil
dash of salt
1/2 cup of warm water

Mix flour, salt and oil then slowly add in warm water till combined, knead dough until it is elastic in texture then separate into small balls and roll out till they are pretty thin, then cook on stove about 45 secods each side on a ungreased pan, stuff with veggies and salsa of your choosing, enjoy :D

1 comment:

  1. "I hope that you can find the time every single day to become a little more of who you were meant to be and less of what everyone else expects you to be."
    Love this. :) -Tara
