Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Did you ever feel like you kept failing in a certain area in your no matter how many times you said you weren't going to do something, you did, or you swore up and down that you were going to finally get this thing right, that today would be a different day... and maybe it was... for that day...and then your all too familiar habits crept back in to the place that they were most comfortable.

I wish I could say that once I made up my mind to do something that there would be absolutely nothing that could keep me from doing it, that I would always follow through, that there would not be one word that I would speak only to later find that I would be eating those same words because I have that classic case of 'no follow through'.

All I can say is that I try each day to better myself, I catch  myself being less compassionate then I should be and I try to stop myself and readjust my attitude, or I spend money on certain things like its going out of style, things I don't really need and I try to remind myself not to be wasteful of the things I already possess. Maybe you have no problem sticking with something, being consistant, always finishing a task or meeting a goal, but this has been something I have struggled with my whole life.  Now, by no means have I never reached a goal I set out for myself, I've actually met many, but that isn't what I come to find where the problem, where the problem lies is with my all too habitual self and after completing a 'said' goal or following through with a commitment I tend to get comfortable...and that my friend is where you never want to be...comfort is a place where complacency dwells and where hopes and dreams sit stagnate waiting for you to get sick of being comfortable and decide you want to be extraordinary.

There are so many things that we can be great at, so many things that we can accomplish and achieve if only we would get tired of the one thing that has been holding us back...comfort.  Comfort in the situation, comfort in knowing that if you can just maintain this 'moment', this place in time, then some how you could be happy..but that is only what you tell yourself when in actuality that place you are holding on to for dear life is the very place you will be crawling to get out of when everyone else around you seems to be moving forward and you seem to be at a stand-still.

I really am going to not do all things I have be 'trying' not to do, the key word here is 'trying', you see that word is meant to confuse you, you could almost mistake it for something positive, a move in the right direction, but if you really study it it is nothing more that a fancy shoulda-coulda-woulda-but didn't,  but that doesn't matter..because at least you 'TRIED'.  To me that word will always be an excuse failing at what I meant to achieve and that is never an excuse I want to use again.

I hope you will not 'try' to mend the things in your life that seem broken or out of place, but simply that you will.  I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

Homemade Granola

1 package of Organic, No-Sugar Added, Dried Cherries
2 cups of Dry Oats
1/4 cup of Organic Flax Seeds
2-4 TBSP of Organic Brown Rice Syrup
Honey to drizzle on top
H2O as needed

Mix 1 cup of oats and flax seed in a food processor till finely ground, then mix that mixture in a bowl with all the remaining ingredients except for the honey, add water as needed, you want a medium sticky consistency, then bake in oven for 20 minutes at 350 degrees, once cooked drizzle honey on top and Enjoy :D

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