Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So far so good. I am starting to get back to my old pre-Florida eating habits and I have got to tell you it feels sooo good! There is nothing like giving 100% at something and feeling great in the process, I am almost positive that you feel better doing it because you are giving it your all and the sense of accomplishment makes it all the more wonderful.

I think there is a moment in all of our lives that we realize if we don't start living now, right now, then we never will, if you leave everything for tomorrow or the next day or the next month, you will never finish anything and too me that is way more disappointing then failing at it. I know it can be scary, you think of all the "what if's", what if I give it everything I have and I still never get there, what if I try and it's not as good as I thought, what if I do it wrong and waste all that time......WHAT IF YOU SUCCEED, WHAT IF it's everything you've dreamed of, WHAT IF YOU are the happiest you've ever been, WHAT IF YOU become the person you were always meant to be.....

You see there is something inside of all of us that knows who we are, it knows exactly what it wants and exactly how to get it....because you were made for it, you were meant to do something extraordinary, something spectacular, something that will change your life forever, but i promise you will never find it unless you are willing to die to control and live for your dreams....your aspirations are your possibilities.

It is inconceivable to me how we can spend our whole lives and still be confused on why we are here and who we are suppose to be. You are suppose to be you, you are suppose to do what you wake up smiling about, what you go to sleep thinking about, what you breathe, what you long for, what you wish for, what you were meant for. Don't you dare give up, don't you dare think for one minute you can't do something....YOU can do ALL THINGS....so start doing them.

I bid you all farewell till tomorrow!

Kale Salad

2 bunches of fresh kale, picked and cut
2 avocados, mashed
juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds
1 tomato, chopped
Sea Salt and Pepper

Cut kale and massage with hands till it becomes soft mix with remaining ingredients and store in fridge till cold (you may need to add another avocado to make it more moist), Enjoy :D

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