Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So some of you may be wondering what it is that I am actually doing, some of my recipies have been labled as "Vegan" and that may scare some of you crazy carnivores, so let me use this blog entry to intice you with my latest reasoning.  Yes, I have been following a vegan plan for the past 20 some odd days now, but not because I am an animal-loving, tree-hugging environmentalist by any means, and certainly not because I hate the taste of meat or dairy or my beloved goat cheese, but because when I set out to do this thirty days of no processed foods it simply eliminated everything that was animal products or not organic or had anything in it that was used to preserve. 

I have had a ton of people flat out tell me that what I am doing is not healthy and a ton of people ask "where are you getting your protein, are you sure you are gettin enough nutrients?"...and as annoyed of all the questions and sympathetic looks from some people who think A: I've lost my mind or B: I have some kind of disorder,  Let me take this time to share with you some clarity.

First things first, I have never had more energy then I do right now, I am also consuming more protein then I was before with my meat-eating way of life, and I am also consuming more fruits and vegetables then I ever have in my life and it shows, it shows in my skin, my hair my nails are growing remarkably fast even though I find it hard not to bite them off, I am not counting a single calorie or feeling hungry or deprived.  And yes it is hard to give up dairy I could really go for a pizza, but hey I shouldn't have been eating pizza before I started this so nothing real shocking there, also I would be willing to bet my life that I am a lot healthier then most of the people that are looking at me like I have some sort of illness, Nope sorry to disappoint you folks but I could probably run laps around most with all the added energy and feel-goodness I have from eating this way.

Oh did I also mention that not only do I feel satisfied with all the protien and fresh fiber I am getting from all the nuts, beans, rice, whole grains, fruits and veggies my diet is consisting of nowadays but I am also rarely hungry and never have to over-eat because my body is actually satisfied from all the vitamin-filled food I have been feeding it.  Do you ever wonder why you get a craving that just won't quite?....I can tell you why, because whatever it is that you are wanting so badly your body is actually missing a component of nutrients and it in return starts to crave something that it needs.  Since I have been doing this I don't have those cravings, I am giving my body exactly what it wanted all along and with as much as I miss my pizza I never needed that in the first place so it's a win-win.

Sorry to be so blunt, but I am really getting sick of nay-sayers, it's like they are saying "oh hmm so you decided to be healthy and take care of yourself....are you okay?"  I really hope that for all the things you want to do in your life and all the people that may question why you want to do that in the first place never stop you from accomplishing it.  You are YOU and nobody else should get a say in your dreams and desires, you need to do that for yourself, noone else but yourself and God.  I am going to be asking people to please comment on my blog if you have any questions or something to say and please if you like what you read pass it along!  I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow!!!

Warm Regards,

Summer Sphagetti

Whole Grain Organic Sphagetti, cooked
Organic Tomatoe Sauce
Zuchinni, chopped
Tomatoe, chopped
Onion, chopped
Yellow Squash, chopped
Garlic, chopped
Mushrooms, chopped
Fresh Basil, Chopped

Cook noodles, then cook all veggies in a pan with sauce, top with basil and enjoy :D

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