No seriously not one bite! Yes I made a very tasty looking red velvet cake and though I know it looked gorgeous I have absolutely no idea how it tasted. There is nothing more gratifying than saying your going to do something and then actually doing it. It is an amazing feeling that only makes me want to continue this journey for the next 31 days now.
It really is astonishing how if you start to get the wheels in motion on a goal that after awhile of doing it it seems so natural, so second-nature, like you were suppose to be doing this all along. And you were, that is exactly it, because you are stepping into the person that you were meant to be, your taking that first step somewhere over the rainbow till you reach the blue birds, they are there, you just have to take that first step, then the second until your step turns into a run because your so anxious to get there, because you know once you do, well once you do it will be the most liberating, amazingly wonderful thing you won't be able to describe it when you do in fact get there.
Isn't is funny how we watch all these movies, romantic comedies, dramas, etc, etc, and we some how feel that if that were just us, just for one moment then our world would seem somehow in place, somehow complete. And in all honesty if we were characters in a movie that would be true, but we're not, and this isn't a movie, it's life, it's filled with real challenges, real decisions, real disappointments and it doesn't always have a happy ending. BUT if you can reach deep down inside yourself, now hold on this is where I get real philosophical, if you reach deep down and look real hard and be REAL with yourself you will find what is lacking and from there, from the point of looking in the mirror and finally realizing you aren't the nicest person or your way too negative or it really isn't your jeans that make you look fat it's you, from there you have a choice you can change it or you can continue on always knowing that your that person you begin to hate.
Listen, there isn't enough ways I can explain to you how important it is to lay your emotions and pride aside and just be honest with yourself. There isn't enough ways I can say once you do you'll be much happier with yourself, you'll be able to look people in the eye again, you'll be able to stand with your head held high knowing that you've done everything you possibly can to be a better you and there is nothing better than that my friends. Well it is time again to bid you all a farewell till tomorrow of course!
Warm Regards,
Crab Salad
1 can of Crab Meat
3 TBSP of Mayo
1 Stock of Celery
2 Dill Pickles chopped
Dash of Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder
Mix all ingredients and eat plain or put on top of a salad and Enjoy : D
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