Wednesday, November 17, 2010


What defines you?  Is it your memories, your circumstances, the people you surround yourself with, the clothes you wear, how much money you make???  Answering that question can be a scary thing if you have to search for the answer.  The truth of the matter is we are all at fault of letting something other than what really matters define who we think we are, now we have to decide what we are going to let take its place.

To some of you this may not be a big deal, so what if your current circumstances make you who you are for now, because as long as your on top than thats alright with you, but what happens when you hit rock bottom, what happens when you lose that fabulous career or when all your friends really aren't your friends or when that ripped bod you once had turns into a tub of goo that you swear you saw in that tub of butter in your fridge.

Yes, yes what a sad day that will be but fortunately it won't take you long before you realize you lost the things you hide behind and now its just you, nothing but the person you were before you started this whole hide and seek game. And that person will get you to the place you always dreamed of or you could slump back into the same old routine and the walls you hide behind and always envy what could have been and the people who seem to have found it.

Lesson for the day:  Define yourself with the person you are and the things you aspire to be.  Me personally I find my identity in my God because he created me exactly in his image and the more I get to know him the more I get to know myself.  I wish you all good luck with your search to the true you!

I will bid you all a farewell till tomorrow!

Taco Burgers

Ground Beef
Burger Seasonings
Cheese of your choosing sliced
Taco Sauce
Green Onion diced

Mix beef with seasonings, cook burgers top with cheese, lettuce, taco sauce and green onions, Enjoy : D

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