Monday, May 23, 2011

The Race

I would first like to start out by saying that I think we, as humans, have this bad habit of seeing the worst in people, all the things that we first notice or all the things that take some time to notice, the things that you hope others won't notice in yourself or the things that you say you wouldn't be caught dead doing, all these things that make up the human race, all these flaws that we all share and that we all expose and that we all gossip about, these things that we can't seem to look past and some of these things that we look past too often....these are the things that make us who we are and these are the things that we can overcome or they can absolutely destroy us.

It really is up to you wether you let them define you and control you till its something you become accustom to and eventually something you stop trying to change and then that lack of bettering yourself turns into interest-lost and inevidetably settlement.  Hey, flaws, we all have 'em, but if you are one of those unfortunate people who make it a habit of only seeing them and pointing them out in others like you don't have them yourselves, well let me just say you are traveling down a very dark and lonely road that only will lead to lack of friends and ultimate unhappiness.

These flaws that we all possess, some more than others, are obstacles that have been put in our way for a reason, think of it as a challenge if you will, you see if life were easy peesy lemon squeezy we would have nothing to strive for, nothing to work on, nothing to overcome, nothing to achieve and to me that is worse and quite boring. 

I hope that we can all take a moment, just a second and instead of seeing the flaw in someone how about we see that flaw as a hurdle they have to jump to finish the race and how about instead of hoping they trip and fall to their demise you cheer them on and tell them they are going to fininsh....and finish they will.

I bid you all a farewell till next time!

Warm Regards,

Yummy Bean Tacos
fresh refied beans (I take a can of beans , black or whatever I have and mash them and add mexican spices so its much healthier)
fresh corn tortillas (I get the natural kind)
brown rice, cooked and fresh salsa added to it
chopped lettuce
chopped tomatoes
chopped avocadoes
chopped jalapenos
chopped onions
fresh pico de gallo or salsa

Heat tortillas in a pan or in the oven, spread beans then rice then toppings and fresh salsa or pico on tortillas and enjoy!  These are very simple, healthy and quick!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Like "Family"

You know when you are watching a movie on how life use to be, the good ole' days, when the rat pack ran the streets of Vegas and when you took care of me and I take care of you was the mentality and as soon as you became part of the group you weren't just another member of a "club" you were Family.  They were always giving good advice, "what should I take on vacation?"...."Leave the gun take the canolli" Or..."take it to the mattresses". Yes these great american classics like the Godfather, make that life seem so glamorous and wonderful, as long as you stay in good graces with the Family you pretty much had anything you could ever want.

Movies or stories like these seem so cool and makes you want to ignore that they probably brought a lot of pain and straight up scary times to the families that were impacted or involved.  I think the reason we like these movies is because minus the fact that these people seem to walk into a room and all eyes are on them and everybody stops what they are doing because these people command attention, is that they have these tightly-knit families that seem so close, close enough to go to them for anything, close enough to pay for anything, close enough that you arn't messing with him or else I'm messing with you, close enough to throw you in the Brooklyn and never think twice. 

Yes this kind of closeness, no matter how real these actual stories are, the closeness that seems so real is the closeness that most don't have or never have experienced in their lives, so we make up for that void by over-compensating in another area or by becoming this independent, do-it-myself, don't-need-any-kind-of-help-from-anybody kind of individual which only allows us to push people farther and farther away all the while alinating ourselves from ever knowing any kind of real love, true love, love that would die for you, love that did die for you, love that is everlasting, never compromising, always there, never going anywhere kind of love.

I have the pleasure of saying that I know this love from my Savior, this love will never leave you once you accept it and is the one love you can turn to no matter what you've done or said or didn't say and I am very greatful.  I think we try so hard to either avoid this kind of love because we are afraid that it's not everything it says it is or because we are afraid that it doesn't last forever or that we've done something that doesn't deserve that kind of love, but may I just say in all my life I have never seen one single person, young or old, married, divorced, murderer, adulteror, gossiper, hater and all around sinner ever be turned away from knowing it and to me thats kind of amazing.  I hope you can all know this kind of love in your lives and I pray that you do.  Please feel free to comment, pass along or re-post!  I bid you all a farewell till later!

Warm Regards,

Yummy Veggie Filled Pockets
2cups of Flour
1/3 cup of Olive Oil
1/2 packet of yeast
1/3 cup of milk substitute (I use Hemp or Rice)
dash of salt
dash of pepper
1 cup of Cabbage, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1/2 cup of carrots, chopped
5 small muchrooms, sliced
hot sauce
spices of your choosing
fresh garlic, chopped

mix milk, oil and yeast and let sit for a few minutes, then mix in flour and salt/pepper roll out dough on a floured surface till you get a nice round piece.  Sautee vegetable mixture and sauces/spices till soft, then spoon veggies onto the dough in a long strip and then roll dough around veggies, before closing brush some milk sub. othe ends of the dough and then close, put in oven at 395 degrees for 12-15 minutes, cut and enjoy ;D

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So I've been gone for a week and now I've decided that writing is something I miss way too much to go a whole week without doing it. I attended my Grandmother's funeral this past week and if there is one thing going to a funeral is sure to do is really make you put your life in perspective. THings that seemed important a few days ago no longer are, petty stupid things that we waste our time thinking about, these toxic distractions that we allow to consume us, all the while spending valuable time on that instead of what our real purpose in life is.

There are so many things that I want to do, so many things that I have to do and the years I have left don't seem long enough to accomplish everything and definatley nothing I should be wasting with stupid minescule things. Did you ever notice how much happier you are when you don't focus on those things, when life gets so busy that you don't have time to focus on anything else much less something not worth while.

I know that there are things that people say or do that make us angry and we would love nothing more at that moment to hold onto a grudge and tell all of our closest allies what that person did or said or is doing and how wrong they are, and they may very well be, but after seeing someone live 104 years and going to her funeral and looking at her and knowing that she lived a great life and then hearing her voice on a video tape of her very last moments on this earth and do you know what she said, she said that she didn't always do it right, she wasn't always perfect, and hearing her say that my heart just broke and still aches because although no one is perfect she still wished she didn't do this or didn't do that and when I get to that moment in time I want as little to look back on a regret as possible.

My wish is that we all can look back and know that we did everything we could to be kind, to bite our tongues when we wanted to say not so nice things, to live each day with joy and peace everlasting and to live in the present, to really take each day and live the crap out of it. I bid you all a farewell!

Warm Regards,

Vegan Chocloate Chip Cookies
2 cups flour (I use barley)
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of baking soda
3/4 cup of chopped unsweetened baking chocolate
1/2 cup of raw sugar
1/2 cup of brown sugar
dash of sea salt
1/2 cup of oil (I use olive oil)
1/4 cup of warm water

mix flour, baking soda/powder and salt, mix sugars and oil in a separate bowl, add all of the rest of the ingredients in one bowl, put on a baking sheet at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, Enjoy:D

Sunday, May 8, 2011


So I found out Saturday morning that my great grandmother had passed and at first I was sad because that means I will never be able to hug her again or talk to her about how things use to be or about how good God is, and then I realized that she is in a much better place, she was on this earth for One-Hundred and Four years and was sane for all of it, and although she had a ton of children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, she never forgot.

She was one of the best woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, she would always say that she would ask God many times why she was still here, why after her husband had been gone for so many years, why after her own children had passed, why after all this time when it didn't seem like there was any reason for her to be here and every time he told her "I am keeping you here to pray". Isn't it funny that we could look back on our lives and not be able to connect the dots, not be able to see the impact of the things that we are doing and at times it can seem disheartening, but you have no idea the people you are affecting and how small and insignificant it may seem to you, it is very important that you do it.

My Grandmother left behind something amazing...a legacy, she did this very simple thing, she lived for the Lord, taught her children to do the same and prayed, for 104 years she prayed and for 104 years she changed peoples lives and now that shes up there I know she is smiling down and connecting the dots and seeing just how fruitful her life was simply because she chose to be obedient.

My goal is to leave such a great legacy like she did so that one day when its my turn I can look down and know that what I did was good and what I did changed peoples lives and what I did was exactly what I was suppose to do...leave a legacy. I bid you all a farewell till next time.

Warm Regards,

Fresh Vegan Keylime Bars
1 cup of flour (I use Barley)
1 cup of whole grain oats
1 TBSP of agave nectar
dash of sea salt
1/3 cup of raw sugar
1/4 cup of coconut or oilive oil

Juice of 2 limes
Zest of 2 limes
2/3 cup of raw sugar
1/4 cup of ground flax seed in 3 TBSP of warm water (let sit for 2 minutes)
2 TBSP of Organic Apple Juice

Mix crust and press into a pan and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, mix filling and then pour over cooked crust and bake for another 20-27 minutes until golden brown, let cool and Enjoy :D

Friday, May 6, 2011


Today I was thinking about how in the past thirty minutes I had been so annoyed of another person, scratch that, people, and I was nit-picking every single detail on what annoyed me and why it bothered me so much, and how for those thirty minutes that person did not even realize what they were doing. And then as the steam was pouring from ears and the blood was coursing through my veins at a much more rapid pace, I stopped...and I saw the person who had just spent the last few moments raising my blood pressure, and I saw them in a different light, I saw them laugh and may friendly conversation and tell about their family and talk to another human being and give a kind embrace and gentle kiss on the cheek, and as I sat there watching hardened heart began to soften and the face that was once solid as stone slowly started to turn into a smile.

As I stood there I realized that we are all human, we all have those annoying habits and ways about us that others have a hard time standing. We can all do and say ill-conceived things and even repeat them on more than one occasion. We must not hold every person to such high a standard, we must not nit-pick and dissect every single thing that someone does. This will never make you happy because you will soon find that no one is perfect and if you spend your time examining their flaws you will grow into a bitter wreck.

Let's agree to give each other a break every now and then and remember that if you just take a moment to STOP....and see someone in a different light...they might just surprise you. I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

Yummy Vegan Peach Cobbler
5-6 ripe peaches, sliced thin and pitted
1 cup of whole grain oats
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of granulated raw sugar
dash of cinnamon
pinch of sea salt
6-8 TBSP of coconut oil (or any oil or butter substitute you prefer)
1/2 cup of flour (i use barley)

Mix peaches, granulated raw sugar, cinnamon and salt till coated, lay peach mixture in the bottom of the pan then mix remaining ingredients till they stick together then put crumbly crust mixture over the peach mixture until coated, bake at 350 degrees till crispy golden brown (about 20-30 minutes) Enjoy ;D

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"no follow through"

Okay so I have officially made a recipe that absoultley did not turn out. I had a craving for lemon bars so I decided to make a vegan lemon bar recipie that I found online and as I mixed up the crust and then mixed up the yummy lemony fillig of goodness, I popped that baby in the oven and to my dismay I arrived at a very odd looking finished product. It was more brown than yellow and more honey tasting then lemon, needless to say I was not very happy and will definatley be disgarding the remains.

I will be finishing up my 30 days this weekend and many people have asked, now that I have made it 30 days being vegan, what am I going to do next, well I have officially decided, with much deliberation, that I will be continuing on my vegan ways after the 30 days are up and I will be totally content in doing so.

I have a lot and I mean a lot, of people asking me how in the world can I continue to eat this way, how can I stand always having to pack my meals and plan ahead and turn down good, chemical-induced food, and yes while it is virtually impossible most of the time to go out to eat or to go to a gathering and not bring your own dish just so you will have something there that you can consume, I have oddly learned to adapt to this crazy way of life and I really do enjoy it!

Yes there are moments that I wish I could just go hit up Famous Daves and have there buttery corn bread or slab of all too fatty ribs, but I soon get over those wishes and remember the way that I feel when I am doing this, the thing that I have committed to, and if it was about anything else over the past 30 days it was definitely about finshing what I have started and I am happy to say that I will.

There is nothing greeter in life then a true sense of accomplishment, the feeling that you get when you have done what you set out to do. There are so many times in life that we have deviated or just plain given up so when we finish something and we gave it all we had there is something to be said about that. I really do admire those of you that seem to have everything together and always finish what you have started, but for the rest of us with the classic case of "no follow through" we seem to take pride in when we achieve these things in life. I hope you all can finish the things you start and committ to the things that will make you a better you. I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow. Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!!

Warm Regards,

Vegan Fiesta Bean Nachos
1 cup of organic tortilla chips
1 can of black beans
fresh spinach, chopped
1/2 cup of corn
sea salt
fresh cilantro
fresh tomato, chopped
fresh onion, chopped
lettuce, shredded
Olive Oil
lime, cut in half

heat oil, beans, corn, spinach, and 1/2 of chopped onions in a pan with seasonings and salsa. in a bowl or on a plate put a base of tortilla chips once mixture it heated pour over chips, then top with remaing ingredients and some more salsa and a squeeze of fresh lime, Enjoy :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"
—Henry Travers as Clarence the angel in "It's a Wonderful Life"

This is a famous line from the famous movie "It's a Wonderful Life", where a man is at the end of his ropes, he finds himself wondering what he has left to live for and not even realizing what it would do to someone else if he were not here at all, and better yet what it would do to him, in the end he comes to his senses and realizes that he does in fact have a Wonderful Life....

Point being of this little trip down memory lane of the all-american classic is this, the main character in this movie doesn't realize that we were each put here to touch someone elses life, that the words we say, the things we do or don't do, are affecting others around us who are watching us, who may look up to us, who may need you to get your life together so they in return can get their's together.  The man is asking the main character if he realizes that each man's life, no matter how insignificant we may think it, in the same way is important, if not to the very man himself, then to someone else counting on him, knowing that if he were to ever leave or ever not truely step into who he is then it would leave a hole.

My question for you is what kind of hole are you leaving?  Who are you making an impression on, an imprint of your life should be all around you and others, how much are you achieving that you know you're suppose to be achieving.  How many times have you stopped and took a step back and said "whoa this is what I was meant to do, this is what my dreams look like".. how many times have you honestly woke up in the morning and knew that you were on to something?

There are all these moments I fear we could be missing by simply remaining stagnet, by not realizing who we really are and the kind of affect we have on others around us.  This is my thought, no scratch that, my goal, to leave a hole in this world that even after I am gone they are still talking about it, that the next generation remembers me and they know the very thing I set out to achive is the very thing I accomplished.

I hope we can all leave a BIG, HUGE, GAPING HOLE in this life, because we only get to live it once.  I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow.  Oh and please feel free to leave a comment or pass along to a friend!

Warm Regards,

Vegan Eggplant "Parmesan"
1-2 eggplants sliced
flour of your choosing used at your discretion ( I use barley flour)
1/2 cup or so of coconut milk or milk of your choosing
1 egg substitute
bread crumbs
italian herbs and spices
sea salt
fresh basil
can of tomato sauce
frech sliced tomatoes
fresh sliced red onion
1-2 tbsp of olive oil

Slice eggplant into medium pieces.  Mix flour and all seasoings together, dip eggplant into milk substitute then egg substitute, then flour mixture, then back into the milk then into bread crumbs, fry on skillet with olive oil till crispy on both sides.  When cooked top with a slice of onion, tomato and spoon of tomato sauce.  Helpful Tip: if egg plant is bitter soak in water and sea salt for 10 minutes before making. Enjoy :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


"Boy, I got vision and the rest of the world is wearing bi-focals". These words from the famous Butch Cassidy are something I think we can all relate to sometimes, like we are just peering into someone elses life and being on the outside we can truly see with perfect vision what the actual situation that is occurring, knowing that they may be about to make a huge mistake or maybe it's the same mistake being reapted over and over again and leaving you often wondering "how can they possibly keep reapting the same stupid thing over and over again?"

Well let me start by saying there may be some that look at us with those 20/20 eyes and we are the ones in the thick-fogged over lenses that seem to never be working. Every person at one point or another, some more frequent than most, have a moment in their lives that they just can't seem to get over, they keep running the same lap, they just can't seem to break their funk and no matter how many times you tell them how to get over it and no matter how many times they talk about getting over it, they never will until they are ready, until they pick up that fresh pair of eyes and see things clearly, things as they really are.

You may look at other people, as I know I do, and wonder "how is it that they struggle with that" when it seems so silly and simple to you, but to them it's all they can think about, it's that little devil sitting on their shoulder constantly poking them with that annoying little stick saying "just one more doughnut, you can start on your diet tomorrow" or "just one more smoke, you can always quite tomorrow" or "no need to tell that person what you know you need to tell them, they will always be here tomorrow"...but the whole problem with tomorrow is we never know if its coming, this may be you last moment, this may be the only time you have to get yourself together and live life how your actually suppose to, this may be the only shot you get and your wasting it.

If it had to do with only yourself then I could understand why we seem to fall horribly time after time to the same devices, but what if it's not just about us..what if by achieving what we are suppose to have achieved all along we could be saving someone else, what if losing those 20, 40, 100 pounds could inspire someone else to do the same, what if you actually picked up your pen and wrote that novel that turned into a best-seller that inspired a generation to make a stand, what if you took that remarkable, one of a kind gift that only you have and turned it into a movement...

I am so sick of wasted time and missed moments that I could have lived to become myself instead of staying the same. There is nothing stopping you from being brillant, from achieving total and complete success, not one person...just yourself. You can say you haven't lost those last extra pounds because of this or you haven't gotten around to starting your own business, or actually completing something in your life that is worth while, but all your really saying is you haven't taken the time to become yourself and shouldn't that be the first thing we should get around to doing?

I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

Homemade Guacamole and Tortilla Chips
3-4 mashed avocados
1 small red onion, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
2 jalapeƱos, chopped
1 TBSP of olive oil
fresh cilantro
dash of garlic powder
dash of sea salt
juice of 1 lime
Whole Grain Corn or Whole Grain tortillas

mix all ingredients in a food processor till still chuncky, cut fresh whole grain or whole grain corn tortillas into triangles and sprinkle with sea salt and olive oil and broil till crispy, enjoy :D

Monday, May 2, 2011


Serendipity- definition: to come by something accidentally, not planned out...fate. Do I believe in fate? That a serendipitous moment is waiting around the corner? That somehow, some way in lue of all things I try to control that I actually control nothing, that life is nothing more then a triangle of decisions that we make which inevidatably lead to our fate. Yes, yes I do.

I believe that God controls everything and that yes we have free-will to choose what way we will take to work today or what we will eat for lunch or where we will live, but I believe there is a higher power that orchestrates our fate, wether we want to cope with that or not, it is the case. I believe that it was fate that caused me to miss that green light on my way to the grocery store only to avoid a 7 car pile up if I would have went through it, I believe it was fate that caused me to just happen to go out of town and miss my regular route to work on the very same day the 35W bridge collapsed, I believe it was fate that I met my husband when I did and where I did, I believe for as much as we "think" we control all the little situations and ins and outs of this life, that in all actuality we contol a lot less than we are lead to believe.

And yes I am one of those people that believes everything happens for a reason, as cliche as it sounds, but it does, if I would have done this then I wouldn't have gotten this, if I would have gone there then I would never be here, if I would have said no then I would never have gotten the chance to say yes. I said all of that to simply say this, know that with all the things you try to control in your life, all the planning ahead, that your days have already been predestined, your life has already been planned and wether or not you decide to take a left rather then a right, it will all somehow mash together how it was always meant to be...fatefully.

I hope you all make the right decisions that lead you to your great destines! I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow!

Warm Regards,

Juicy Lucy Morning Smoothie

1/3 cup of Organic Apple Juice
1/3 Cup of Organic Orange Juice
3-4 ice cubes
1/4 cup of frozen strawberries
1/3 cup of frozen blueberries
1 banana
handle full of spinach

blend all together and enjoy :D