What if you could do what you were meant to. What if you didn't let other People affect you. What if your decisions were the only thing holding you back from everything you could be. Here's how it is, you only have one shot, one chance, one time to live this life... Do you really want to waste it?
What if your actions really do hurt other people. What if you are the only person that could save somebody's life and you were to selfish to notice. What if you really are suppose to change the world but you never changed your mind, you never even gave yourself a chance. Instead you stick with the mundane, the average version of yourself and you wonder why life doesn't feel all that satisfying. Or why you are looking for something new because it's suddenly become so routine, so comfortable. Maybe you like not really taking a stand for one specific thing but instead teater on either side of the fence. Maybe you are so double minded you don't even know whats right anymore.
But what if there was an answer, what if someone held the keys to freedom. What if those addictions that owned you couldn't even touch you anymore. What If we got real with ourselves and started actually acting like we serve the Most High King instead of the prince of darkness.
This is a stand to take a stand. This is a chance to make a change. This is the fork in the road where you choose who you really are, where you really go.
You may think you have time, or that how you come off doesn't really matter, but I'm gonna tell you one thing that holds true... Those are all lies. Every single thing we do echoes in eternity and it doesn't matter if you thought you had more time or if you thought it didn't matter what you said or what you did, in fact the only thing that will matter is that you only thought, you never changed, you never even tried to make it, you never realized that for one second you might just be wrong.
I hope this resonates in all of our hearts that this life is not truely ours, it was purchased with a heavy price that can never be repaid... The least we can do is try.
Until we meet again I bid you all a farewell and good night.
Warm regards,
Skillet steak
2-4 steak fillets
1 purple onion, sliced
1 yellow pepper, sliced
4-5 mushrooms, sliced
Cast iron skillet
Heat skillet in oven on broil till hot. In the mean time have the burner on the stovetop ready. Season steaks with salt, pepper and olive oil. Once skillet is hot pull out of oven and place on burner,throw steaks on skillet and cook on both sides for 30 seconds each. Add the onions, peppers and mushrooms and put skillet back in broiler, cook 2 minutes on each side, then pull out of oven and put on Plate with tinfoil tented over it and let rest for 5 minutes. If you like steak more well done cook longer on each side in broiler, enjoy :)
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