Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Top

Time and time again I feel like I let myself down.  I come to a point in my life where you would think that I could just enjoy myself, that I could look myself in the mirror and know that everything I set out to do was everything that I accomplished..but it's not.  Life so rarely turns out the way we plan them, and the things that do never really feel as we imagined they would.

What happens to us when we reach a point of no return, that place that we always wanted to be, that mountain we have been climbing for so long and finally reach the top.  This is suppose to be a milestone, a huge accomplishment, a moment of triumph and victory for a battle well why does that feeling fade, why even when you should be on top of the world you still feel under it.  It's the same thing that happens to those that think if we keep getting new things and always have the best of the best and are constantly adorning our homes and our egos with the latest trends that we will somehow be happy...but you won't.

I can tell you why that feeling once you reach the top doesn't last, it wasn't meant to last, we weren't meant to depend on our own ability to fill that void, to reach that dream.  No, that was not our job in the first place...but instead the job of our Maker.  Did you really think that the one who created you would allow you the ability to forget that you still needed Him.

I look at the world and see all the people that still tell themselves that they are the ones who have the control, but that's all they are..telling themselves.  After all the planning and all the doing and it's just you, that moment when you are all alone and all is calm and you feel content?  For a lot of you the answer is most likely no, no because there is still so many things left that you want to achieve and while you may be content for now, you won't always be and then what? Do you find something new to fill that hole, do you create a new goal for yourself?

There is nothing wrong with new things and goals, but maybe instead of jumping on the next band-wagon right away, we can take a step back and determine why we are so quick to do this in the first place.  My wish for you is that you do all things you set out to do and accomplish all the dreams you desire, but that you also remember the reason we are meant to do these things in the first place, for a higher meaning, for a greater purpose.  I bid you all a farewell till next time.

Warm regards,


Orange Julius

1 cup of Orange Juice
1 cup of Ice cubes
1 cup of Milk Substitue (or regular milk)
1/2 cup of granulated or Raw Sugar
1 tsp. of Vanilla extract

Mix in a blender till smooth and serve, Enjoy :D

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