Tuesday, May 3, 2011


"Boy, I got vision and the rest of the world is wearing bi-focals". These words from the famous Butch Cassidy are something I think we can all relate to sometimes, like we are just peering into someone elses life and being on the outside we can truly see with perfect vision what the actual situation that is occurring, knowing that they may be about to make a huge mistake or maybe it's the same mistake being reapted over and over again and leaving you often wondering "how can they possibly keep reapting the same stupid thing over and over again?"

Well let me start by saying there may be some that look at us with those 20/20 eyes and we are the ones in the thick-fogged over lenses that seem to never be working. Every person at one point or another, some more frequent than most, have a moment in their lives that they just can't seem to get over, they keep running the same lap, they just can't seem to break their funk and no matter how many times you tell them how to get over it and no matter how many times they talk about getting over it, they never will until they are ready, until they pick up that fresh pair of eyes and see things clearly, things as they really are.

You may look at other people, as I know I do, and wonder "how is it that they struggle with that" when it seems so silly and simple to fix..to you, but to them it's all they can think about, it's that little devil sitting on their shoulder constantly poking them with that annoying little stick saying "just one more doughnut, you can start on your diet tomorrow" or "just one more smoke, you can always quite tomorrow" or "no need to tell that person what you know you need to tell them, they will always be here tomorrow"...but the whole problem with tomorrow is we never know if its coming, this may be you last moment, this may be the only time you have to get yourself together and live life how your actually suppose to, this may be the only shot you get and your wasting it.

If it had to do with only yourself then I could understand why we seem to fall horribly time after time to the same devices, but what if it's not just about us..what if by achieving what we are suppose to have achieved all along we could be saving someone else, what if losing those 20, 40, 100 pounds could inspire someone else to do the same, what if you actually picked up your pen and wrote that novel that turned into a best-seller that inspired a generation to make a stand, what if you took that remarkable, one of a kind gift that only you have and turned it into a movement...

I am so sick of wasted time and missed moments that I could have lived to become myself instead of staying the same. There is nothing stopping you from being brillant, from achieving total and complete success, not one person...just yourself. You can say you haven't lost those last extra pounds because of this or you haven't gotten around to starting your own business, or actually completing something in your life that is worth while, but all your really saying is you haven't taken the time to become yourself and shouldn't that be the first thing we should get around to doing?

I bid you all a farewell till tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

Homemade Guacamole and Tortilla Chips
3-4 mashed avocados
1 small red onion, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
2 jalapeƱos, chopped
1 TBSP of olive oil
fresh cilantro
dash of garlic powder
dash of sea salt
juice of 1 lime
Whole Grain Corn or Whole Grain tortillas

mix all ingredients in a food processor till still chuncky, cut fresh whole grain or whole grain corn tortillas into triangles and sprinkle with sea salt and olive oil and broil till crispy, enjoy :D

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