Saturday, June 18, 2011


Do you ever wonder how many times God has taken all your crap, all your wrong turns, your bad decisions, your "if I had just prayed about it a little more" choices, all the times you should have taken a right and instead you took a left, every moment that you took a few steps back instead of moving forward, all those horribly, sometimes life changing mistakes that we make and He, God has to fix it, He has to somehow out of the total mess we've gotten ourselves in, make it new, make it work, make it how it was suppose to be......He trades us beauty for ashes.

No worries because fortunately God is quite good at doing that, making all the times we decided to take the wrong path turn into the original path, the right path, the path we were suppose to be on all along. This is the path that our destinies run on, that every good thing and every hard time that made us stronger runs its course, it is the perfect way to go and the ultimate outcome that God chose for each of us when he sent us to this world so that we may change the world.

I often wonder how many times I have wandered down the wrong way or taken a wrong turn and I pray that I made the right choice more often than not. You see when you don't spend time with your Maker asking him if you should go here or take that new job there or move to another state or country or down the block for that matter, if you don't ask him if it is smart for you to being talking to that person about that specific thing or if you should have helped that person who really needed someone or whatever the circumstance may be, if you don't take the time to pray, to seek his face, to ask him "Am I making the right choice"...then you could make the wrong one that could set you back days, months and even years in the path he originally set out for you.

I said all of that to say this, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not be so far from God that you don't take the time to ask him if what you are about to do is what you should do, please don't just assume and then months later you find out you missed a whole opportunity because you just didn't give God the courtesy of making sure he was okay with your ultimate decision. I don't want to waste valuable time, time that I could have spent achieving my destiny and making Him proud for time that instead I spent disappointing Him and completely missing the whole purpose for that moment.

Listen, I do not know how many times the Lord has had to pull me out of situations that I foolishly allowed myself to get into, and I am not sure that I want to know because I am afraid that I would not like the final number, but what I can do is move forward making sure that I am doing everything I can to seek the answer from the one who knows the outcome. I really pray that all of you will seek first before you make a move that could lead you down a wrong path and inevitably delay your whole reason for being here in the first place. I bid you all a farewell till next time.

Warm Regards,

Vegan Fluffy Pancakes w/ Raspberry Syrup
1 cup of flour ( I use barley)
1 cup of milk sub. (I use rice milk of if your not vegan you can use regular milk)
1 TBSP of sugar
2 TBSP of baking powder
2 TBSP of oil ( I use coconut oil)

Whisk all ingredients together, than bake on a griddle or pan until the tops start to bubble then flip until golden brown, for the syrup I take maple syrup and raspberry jam and heat till runny, then pour over your pancakes and enjoy :D